Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Facebook - A very powerful networking group

I've been playing around on Facebook for a few days now and I'd have to say that I've been very impressed with the networking potential of this web site.

The most important thing I'd have to say so far is make sure that you are well organized when you start building your profile with them.

You have the ability to connect with former classmates of College and High School, many of these people you haven't spoken to in many years. When you first request a friendship, you are given an opportunity to tell them a bit about what you are working on and inspire interest.

Once you've made the friend connection, you may have missed that golden opportunity to talk about your project.

So far I've noticed that it is a time consuming way to contact people and it is best to make sure that you have personal messages to the people that you are reaching out to. I've been making a real point to be genuine with my messages because people can see through you if you really are being transparent and just trying to sell them something.

My plan is to give away my film to all my friends and then encourage them to spread the word about the film by giving them an affiliate partnership.

Since I'm still honing the experience of our main film viewing site, I've held off networking more on this site. I think timing is key and when people "friends" take the time to write you, you should respond quickly.

I've been discovering all sorts of great niche areas within Facebook and I'm really excited to dive deeper within this site.

In a future post, I'll talk about some of the other opportunities within Facebook and talk about some of my successes that I've had with this slick site, currently the 5th most popular site on the web.

Until then
Happy promotion
Blind Lyle Films

See the film I'm promoting now for only $3.99 and support my journey. The more success I have, the more I can share!

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